Charly shoots pool while Ronnie drinks beer.

Charles Levinson is one of Richie's oldest friends. He has been a source of joy and a big pain sometimes in the long history of the clams. Choke (as he is called affectionately,a.k.a. "choking smoker") has rarely missed a performance, provided food for hungry drummers, and come as close as any non-musician could to being in the clams. It would not have been the same without him. Ron Contreras has been friends with Gary since the 4th grade. He was actually the original bass player for the pets, accepting a role on the road crew when Dave bounced Gary from guitar to bass. He also (with Charlie) loaned money to the Clams in the early days.

Bob Haddad and Ken Widis

Bob was the third and last man to try to "manage" the big fat pet clams from outer space.He almost brokered a deal through Bob Ezrin to release the second album on A&M records. But it was not to be. Kenny actually spent a year as a clam, as Gary became desperate for good harmony singers after Dave left the band.

Joanne and Yorke Calabro

Yorke is one of Richie and Gary's best friends, as well as a fine singer. He shares Gelbstein's (and Charles Levinson's) expertise in the field of do-wop music.

Cindy with her husband Dave

Cindy has served as a "Keeper of the Flame" since the band re-formed. She may know more details and dates of the modern clams than the band themselves.

clockwise, Charlie and his wife Gale, Gary's wife Joanne, Richie's wife Evelyn and her friend Sherri (one of the band's biggest supporters),"Whiskey" Bruce Matthews, the band's lawyer, responsible for the very lucrative contracts that came their way.